Thursday 8 December 2016

6 Key areas to focus - Basic SEO Audit for your website

1.    Accessibility- It is important because if your website is not accessed by the crawlers, it implies that it does not exist, no matter how beautiful your website is. So below are the factors you should keep in mind while doing an audit

·         Robots.txt file- It is used to block certain pages from getting indexed into search engine. You should be careful on which pages you want to hide and manually check the robots.txt file, and make sure it's not restricting access to important sections of your site.
·         HTTP status codes- check all the 301,302, 404 and 501,502 errors and pages
·         XML sitemap- It should be well documented and should follow the sitemap protocol. Make sure it is submitted to the webmaster tools/search engine console. All the pages on the website should be included in this
·         Site architecture- Overall navigation should be easy and visible to the users strategically. Sit should follow 3 click rule. Focus on both the vertical and horizontal linking opportunities
·         Navigation- Avoid flash and javascript navigation
·         Site performance- Use tools like Google page speed, YSlow, Pingdom full page test

2.    Indexability- It is important because now we want to see how many pages of our website are actually indexed.
·         How many pages are indexed- use and see the results
·         Page searches: Use
·         Brand searches- Just type your company name, if you are visible its good. If not, your site has been penalized and its time to dig deep and sort this issue.

3.    On page ranking factors-This is very important as the changes you make to your website pages will help you getting indexed on SERP
·         URL- should be short and user friendly (less than 115 characters), include relevant keywords, should use subfolders and not subdomain, try using static URLs, make sure you are using hyphens and not underscores
·         Content- each page should ideally contain minimum 300 words and should create value for the audience who consumes that content. It should contain the keywords and ideally it should be front loaded. Make sure it is not spammy, keyword loaded etc. Max keywords in 500 words content should not exceed 5 keywords. No grammatical errors or spelling mistakes and should be easily readable and also search engines should be easily able to find it and read it. Focus on how your information architecture is, make sure there is no keyword cannibalism i.e. multiple pages are targeted for the same keywords (in this case merge the pages if possible). Avoid duplicate content
·         HTML markup- Use W3C validator to check your site’s HTML code
·         Page titles- 70 characters title, should describe what the page is all about, should contain a keyword which should be front loaded, should not be over optimized
·         Meta Descriptions-No more than 155 characters, every page should have a unique meta description
·         Head tags- Avoid meta keywords in all the pages, use rel=”canonical” for duplicate content, use ‘rel’ syntax if pagination is used
·         Images- should contain Alt texts and Image file name
·         Outlinks- should be directed to trustworthy sites, relevant to page’s content, should make use of anchor texts, should not be broken, avoid unnecessary redirection, make sure if you are outlinking it should not be ‘nofollow’
·         Other <body> tags- Use H1, H2 and H3 tags if applicable to structure your content. Avoid iframes, appropriate content to ads ratio on the page should be there.

4.    Off Page ranking factors- This is another part which is very important as this focuses on external factors which helps your website to get ranked
·         Popularity- how popular is your website (check Alexa), check site traffic through analytics, use compete and comscore how you perform against your competitors, check for the total backlinks you are receiving at the moment
·         Trust- To check your site for malware, you can rely on blacklists such as DNS-BH or Google's Safe Browsing API. Avoid keyword stuffing, hidden texts, cloaking (i.e., showing the search engines one thing while showing users something else).
·         Backlinks- number of unique root domains linking to the website, number of nofollows backlinks (should be very less), anchor text distribution should seem natural, topically relevant backlinks, the backlinks from the domain should be from a site which is popular, trustworthy and authoritative
·         Authority- Check for Domain authority and Page authority
·         Social engagement- how many likes/retweets/+1s/etc. are each of your site's pages receiving; you want mentions from reputable and highly influential people.

5.    Competitive Analysis: It is important because you want to see how well(or poor) you are performing with respect to your competitors

6.    Strategies- Content strategy, Keyword strategy, link-building strategy, Blogging strategy, KPIs setting, Analytics strategy and resources allocation. These are very critical and should be documented in a separate document.

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