Friday 23 December 2016

KPIs for your Digital Marketing Team members

Below is a list of some of the KPIs for the team members of  PPC, please note that this list is not comprehensive and is just for reference.

How do we measure the success? All the KPIs will have a numeric value attached to it and will be conveyed to each team member.  As we move, the progress will be measured against the pre-agreed KPIs

KPIs- Paid Marketing- PPC team
v  Cost per conversion/acquisition
v  Revenue on Ad spend
v  Advertising to sales/leads
v  Click through rate
v  Total Leads generated and Cost per lead
v  Cost income ratio
v  Conversion rate
v  Cost per click and eCPC
v  Quality score- This will lead to Higher Ad positions, Lower CPC, Higher impression share and Lower CPA
v  Total Goal completions
v  Lifetime value of a customer
v  Allocated budget vs Total Spend (keeping ROAS in mind)
v  KPIs for each step in the funnel- For example: visitor to lead, MQL to SQL, visitor to customer etc.
v  Overall website traffic increase- branded vs non-branded keywords

KPIs- SEO team
v  Rank for main converting keywords
v  Rank for secondary keywords
v  Increase in organic traffic and overall traffic volume after the start of SEO activity
v  Increase in number of pages on the site that generate traffic
v  % increase in organic conversions
v  Increase in non-branded keywords
v  Organic Impressions
v  Organic Click through rate
v  Link building KPIs- total links created, number of links from the authority sites, number of link from extremely relevant sites, Inbound links created for a anchor text resulting in Google indexing
v  % increase in referral traffic, referral conversions
v  % increase in brand search traffic and brand mentions
v  % increase in sign-ups, newsletter subscription etc.
v  Goal completions
v  Revenue generated and total number of transactions/booking etc.
v  Page-views, Avg. time on site, pages/session, Bounce rate, unique website visitors
v  Revenue per search visit

KPIs- Social Media Team
v  Link clicks, reach, inbound links generated, blog subscribers, video views
v  Shares , share of voice , net promoter , sentiment,  # of social influencers and comments
v  Time on site, email sign ups, referral traffic, unique visitors, page-views, reviews etc.
v  Brand mentions, community growth, drop off rate
v  Profile visits, post reach, potential reach
v  Active followers /People Talking about
v  Followers/fans, conversions, issue resolved
v  Impressions- How many times the post showed in the news feed
v  Traffic coming from Social Media
v  Leads generated/Action taken on the website, cost per lead, lead conversion rate, LTV
v  Goal completions
v  Retweets, @connects, brand mentions
v  Sales and Average order value/ticket size
v  Revenue generated and Revenue on Ad spend
v  Customer service- Response time, Avg. handling time, First contact resolution, No of questions answered

KPIs- Email Marketing team
v  Delivery rates
v  Open rates
v  Bounce rates
v  Conversion rate and total conversions
v  CTR
v  Unsubscribe rate
v  Spam compliance rate
v  Site traffic
v  Time on site/app
v  List growth
v  Total sales
v  Social growth

Note- KPIs for other teams like Front end coder, design team etc. will be discussed  later on as this depends on the projects at hand and other factors.
Sample KPI for Design UX team :  Quantitative UX KPIs :(1)Task success rate (2) Time on task (3) Use of search vs. navigation (4)User error rate (5)System Usability Scale (SUS) Qualitative KPIs (1) Reported expectations and performance (2)Overall satisfaction

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