Saturday 5 May 2018

Google Responsive Ads-Now with 3 Headlines (Beta Version)- Max 15 Headlines and 4 Descriptions

Google has just rolled out the Responsive Ads new version, below are some of the pointers to be noted

  • Currently, its in the Beta phase and is not available to all the advertisers
  • Now, you have more real estate for your advertisements
  • 3 headlines
  • All the combinations happens dynamically
  • You just need to set up 1 Ad with multiple headlines and descriptions (more on this below) and Google will test and do some permutations and combinations and will then show the best performing ads- to achieve the Advertising Goal
  • Your ad groups will have opportunities to compete in more auctions when there are more options for the keywords to trigger your ads. 
  • You might not need the manual A/B testing anymore, it will soon be replaced by Automated testing- Very important to NOTE
  • Show up to three headlines instead of two.
  • Show up to two 90-character descriptions instead of one 80-character description.
  • Set up as many as 15 headlines and four descriptions in a responsive search ad
  • During the beta, responsive search ads can only be added to ad groups with existing text ads. 

Where to get it? 

*Note: Its in Beta version, so might not be available to all Advertisers as of now.

How does it look like?

Next Steps

Think of all the possible scenarios as this is an Automated feature. All the headlines have to make sense when in standalone. They should be distinct from each other. Write headlines that are relevant to the keywords in the ad group and including at least one of the keywords in your ad group in the headlines. You can also PIN headlines if you want to show specific Headlines in a specific position. For example, if you need to show a disclaimer in every ad, you can write the disclaimer as a responsive search ad description, and pin it to Description position 1. That way, all ads that are shown to customers will include the disclaimer in the first part of the description.

Tips from Google
  • ·         Pinning one headline or description causes it to show only in that specific position, preventing other headlines or descriptions from showing in its place. Since pinning reduces the overall number of headlines or descriptions that can be matched to a potential customer’s search, pinning isn’t recommended for most advertisers.
  • ·         Try pinning 2 or 3 headlines or descriptions to each position so that any of them can show in that position. This gives you more flexibility to find out which headlines or descriptions perform better.
  • ·         Example: If you pin the headline “Official Website” to Headline position 1, then all ads that customers see will have “Official Website” as the first headline. However, if you pin a second headline—let’s say “The Official Site”—to Headline position 1, then all ads that customers see will show either “Official Website” or “The Official Site” as the first headline.
  • ·         If you have headlines and/or descriptions pinned to all available positions, unpinned headlines and/or descriptions won’t show.
  • ·         Headlines or descriptions pinned to Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1 will always show. Content pinned to Headline position 3 and Description position 2 are not guaranteed to show in every ad. If you have content that must show in every ad, we recommend pinning it to Headline position 1 or Description position 1.

 Thanks for reading


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