Monday 9 January 2012

Google Panda 2012- Checklist

I have found few things which I want to share with you. Below are the Google Panda Check List:
1). Do you have a low search performance page?
Status - Yes / No
Note: You need to work on the quality of the page or you may delete the page. One non-quality page should not disturb other n number of quality pages.

2). Does your site loads slow?
Status - Yes / No
Note: The site load time should not be high. You need to optimize your images and code to reflect site load speed.

3). Do you have well researched keywords that related your web page content?
Status - Yes / No
Note: Without enough quality content, do not optimize your page titles for search keywords. The site page will be repeatedly listed for the user’s keywords only when the page is useful for the search user’s .Do not get into the personalized search users signed in site block list. At one point the search algorithm will be informed about the blocked sites.

4). Do you have high bounce rate?
Status - Yes / No
Note: The site need to have well structured related links within the content or around the content. The navigational structure of the site should be clear with quality content. If the content is clear and interesting then the bounce rate will gets decreased because users will be interested to visits other relevant links.

5). Do you see users spending minimum time in your page(s)?
Status - Yes / NO
Note: For a good site the users average time spent on the page should be high. This is based on the size of the quality content and other relevant content pages. You need to work on your content to hold users on the page(s) for long period.

6). Do you have related images for the content and do you own the copyright?
Status - Yes / No
Note: If you are having images for your content then it should be relevant to the content. The image should speak about the content. Use your own image content or make sure to get the copyright of the image.

7). Do you have a clean design?
Status - Yes / No
Note: Users experience is one of the main factors for panda update. Make sure the content is readable and website structure is user friendly with right combination of colours for a proper look and feel. Balance users experience with search engines experience. Also make sure that you include unique title, Meta tags, H tags, P tag, blog font, alt attribute and anchor texts.

8). Do you have a Meta description that briefs your page content?
Status - Yes / No
Note: Make sure that the Meta description is not stuffed with keywords and it includes a brief of the page content.

9). Have you done a grammatical check on your web page content?
Status - Yes / No
Note: Try to avoid grammatical mistakes in your content. Try to proofread before the content goes live. Clear content has high chance to list top.

10). Do you have more backlinks from same c class IP sites?
Status - Yes / No
Note: Natural links are always better that artificial backlinks. Natural links are risk free. Update you site often with quality content so that your readers will like to give link from their site(s). Artificial backlinks from directories submission site has high chance to be from the same c class ip unless it is well researched. Bunch of links from same c class IP are not valid and can also be considered as spam.

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