Tuesday 31 January 2012

Videos Indexing in SERP through YouTube Videos

Go to youtube channel , we will now embed all the youtube videos in the website

1.    Open any of the video and follow the steps mentioned : 1>2>3>4

2.       Now paste this code on the website where you want to have this video placed. Every Video should have the following :
·         Title - This should be the same as the title of the page your video appears.
·         Description - Make this exactly match the meta description of your page.
·         Play page URL - The canonical URL of the page your video appears.
·         Thumbnail URL - By thumbnail they mean a high resolution image up to 1920x1080.
·         Raw video location - This is the embed src link noted from above pointing at the clip.
   3.        Once you have all the videos placed on the website, its now the time to create a video sitemap. The best way to learn how a video sitemap works is to see one. First start by creating a new file, name it something like: video-sitemap.xml

   4.   Once you're done you'll upload it to the root of your website:

5.     The final Sitemap should look something like the one mentioned below. For every video you have copy/paste the <url></url> block. In the example below there are two video URL blocks, the top block has descriptors for the fields, the bottom block is exactly a video sitemap should look like. Its  preferable to keep videos in chronological order with the newest video on top.

6.        Once you are done, upload the sitemap using Google Webmaster: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en

So here is the way to get listed in SERPs with all your video sitemaps.

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