Tuesday 28 February 2012

Some nice Print Campaigns by Taproot India

I really admire the work done by Aggy (Agnello Dias) of Taproot India...Here are some of the samples


Monday 27 February 2012

Good campaign again by Ogilvy- for smokers


Above is the link for the campaign that Ogilvy India created for Cancer Patients Association.

 There are lighters installed at all the Pan-shops in India wherein a person purchases the ciggrette and use this to lit it. The idea was to turn the lighter into a ‘chanting lighter’ – and every time  a smoker tried to light from it, it played ‘Raam Naam Satya Hai’ – a chant which is sung when people’s corpses are carried to the funeral pyre. Which meant whether the smoker loves the idea or hates it, he or she will not be able to ignore it.”

The “chanting lighters" were installed at 25 locations in Mumbai in February 2012. These were regular streetside lighters into which the sound chip was attached, and this was done in India itself. According to the agency, smokers were taken aback by the new way of spreading the message. The YouTube video of the activity is getting comments, and international news organisations have also featured the campaign.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Want to go Global. Use this

Are you planning to go Global with your brands?Want to explore new markets? Want sales and new customers from emerging markets?

If your answer is YES to anyone of the above then you should try this tool from google. Just select the region, language and enter one search term per line. Then select the geography that you are planning to expand to. Here is a brief screenshot of how it looks like

Find your global AdWords opportunity.
With Google Global Market Finder, you can find opportunities to reach over 1.9 billion customers around the world.
Go global now
Automatically translate keywords into your customers' language.
Geographic distribution
See where customers are searching for your product, from Albania to Zimbabwe or anywhere in between.
Estimate cost
Make the most out of your ad budget by comparing cost estimates across languages and locations

Tuesday 21 February 2012

10 Steps to create Personas- Very nice Infographic

Check which Network Your user are logged into- with Analytics

This is a simple method of finding out which user is logged into which social network while he is visitn your website:

There are 2 Major steps:

  1. Setup an empty Facebook app. Its free
  2. Install the Javascript code onto the page

Here are few sub steps:

Sub Steps:

  1. Login to Facebook.
  2. Go to the Facebook Developers page: https://developers.facebook.com/apps
  3. Press "Create New App" in the top right corner.
  4. For "App Display Name" enter anything you want; I used "TomTrack". Check the box to agree to the FB Policies and on to the next page.
  5. The next stage is pretty easy, just enter your domain in both the "App Domain" and "Website" sections

  1. Hit "Save Changes" .
  2. Grab the App ID from the top of the page and save it ready for the next section.

Install Javascript Code :you need to add this snippet of Javascript to the top of your page in the <head> section; this function will do the recording to analytics for us (this is for the asynchronous version of google analytics so if you are using the old version you need to remove it)

Next we add the following code to the bottom of the page before the </body> tag, ensuring you replce the appID in the Facebook code with that AppID you created above

Setting up Google Analytics

Custom segments are really easy to setup, and can give a keen insight into your analytics when used well. 
  1. Click "Advanced Segments" at the top of your analytics screen (once you're into the relevant profile), and hit "+ New Custom Segment" at the bottom right of the drop down.
  2. You'll be prompted to select a name for your segment and to select which facets to base it on. We'll be using the Custom Variable slots that the Javascript tracking code uses. Analytics allows 5 Custom Variable slots, and the code above uses 4 of these (1 = Google, 2 = Google+, 3 = Twitter, and 4=Facebook) [side note: I think you could cram all these into 1 slot possibly]. We'll make a segment for each; here is how I setup my Twitter segment:
  1. Hit "Save Segment" and you're done. Now repeat this for each of the other variables. Ensure you are selecting "Custom Variable (Value xx)" and not "Custom Variable (Key xx)".
  2. You're done and are ready to play with some data.

Viewing the data in analytics

Select those you are interested in and "All Visits" if you also wish to compare against all the traffic, and hit Apply.

Monday 20 February 2012

Yahoo- Video Channel ..Some facts

With an aim of reaching out to close to 80 per cent of mobile and Internet users in India, Yahoo! India recently forayed into the online video content space in India. The global digital and search engine company is offering exclusive and licensed video content online for the Indian audience, which it believes, will benefit advertisers and content generators across the digital space. The company is already in talks with over 20 leading advertisers.

What makes yahoo different? It is already a late entrant, here are some facts:

1. The content will not be user-generated, it will allow only licensed and clutter-free content to both content providers and consumers.

2.  The offering and positioning of Yahoo! India is licensed and premium content online.

3. The company will  offer video propositions across all genres like Bollywood news, feature, movies, sports, news, lifestyle and entertainment. 

4. For adversitsers. the content is 100% cleran and licensed and will hold copyright certification.

Lets see how Yahoo! willmake its place in the rapidly growing Video content market.

Nice Work: TOI Print Ad for Bru Coffee

Friday 17 February 2012

Another Innovative effort : Integrating Online and Offline Mediums

As it is a matter of the fact that in 2012 we will be having  lots of Integrated Marketing efforts. One of such Integration can be seen in this example.
En Route Media, the in-taxi digital entertainment network, has tied up with daily deals website Buzzr.in to provide offers to Easy Cab passengers in Mumbai.

 It's a unique amalgamation of online deals on an offline platform. Flo, as the in-taxi digital entertainment programme is called, is available in around 250 Easy Cab taxis in Mumbai. Flo works through a tablet like device, with sound and touch screen options, which is fitted behind the driver and passenger seats of the cabs. Through the device, Buzzr.in uses a video with voiceovers to display deals and reveals a Deal ID to avail the coupon at the end. The customers can avail the deals by sending an SMS with the Deal ID to the number provided in the ads.

Friday 10 February 2012

Review of a free 'Mobile Website Development' site Atmio

Recently found a good website which allows you to create your own Mobile website absolutely free.

Visitors for the first month are absolutely free but from the next month onwards, after 100 users you need to pay $0.07. More pricing details can be found over here

Here are the cool things that you get when signup for Free

1.       Dynamic Landing Page Creation

2.       Number of Landing Pages :Unlimited

3.       Number of Campaigns :Unlimited

4.       Number of Elements :Unlimited

5.       Reporting & Analytics

6.       Forms Builder

7.       Audience Targeting

8.       Campaign Manager

9.       QR Code Generator

10.   3rd Party Integration

11.   Budget Manager

12.   Atmio SMS Short Code

13.   Custom Domain/URL

14.   Custom Short Code

15.   Digital Signage Integration
Here are few screengrabs