Tuesday 29 November 2016

Things to consider before you select your Mobile Attribution Partner

Today, I will talk about some of the major things that you should know before you select your Mobile attribution partner. If you are not aware of the basics of what the attribution is, please feel free to read the Mobile attribution guide -Part 1- Part 6 (just select Nov 2016 on the right hand side > and you will find it)

So what are the key things you should consider, below are my thoughts.

1. Company, Technology and Innovation

  • Look at the technology they are using- is it a technology built for Mobile (simply Mobile first)? If not, don't go ahead. Web analytics and tracking is very different from Mobile analytics and tracking
  • List of integrated partners
  • Clients list and testimonials
  • Average years in the industry
  • Are they updating their product regularly as per the industry demand and overall landscape/ecosystem
  • Multi-platform support? Can they track smart watch as well- for instance?
  • Do they have a dedicated R&D team- do they innovate?
  • What is the downtime?
  • It should be unbiased- should not own any Ad network to avoid any conflicts of interest
  • Who is the Attribution authority and any other certifications they have- data, security, fraud prevention etc
  • How they are handling the data and how secured it is?
  • Do they offer full funnel approach or only click based attribution. This is very important if you are running Display campaigns as you cannot ignore Impressions based attribution
  • Customizable attribution window?
  • How is their integrations with 3rd party providers- for instance DMPs or DSPs
  • What is the cost structure? How much are they charging per session/event?
  • Do they offer configurable attribution?
  • How do they validate the purchase or in APP events?
  • Segmentation- how far can you segment
  • Should allow unlimited data exporting options and also it should send data wherever needed- network, S2S, 3rd party vendor, CRM etc
  • Marketing team should be able to do it without needing any help from Technical team- so choose a partner accordingly

(2) Network Integrations 

  • How many networks are currently integrated with them? Minimum of 500 networks integrated is preferred, anything below that- dump it
  • What is the lead time?
  • How long it takes for the integration?
  • Current documentation available- network assistance?
  • How fast do they integrate a network who is new or not already integrated with them?
  • What data can Ad network receives? Callbacks details etc
  • Charges - callbacks, postbacks etc- ideally they should not charge
  • Data latency- How long it is takingthe data to reach and what is the overall latency?

(3) Customer service , client training, webinars, education offerings etc

  • What is the turnaround time?
  • Do they have a local support? Lets say you are based out of Dubai and the Attribution partner is in North America- do they offer support based on your time zone?
  • Are they offering support if needed by you or your new/existing partner?
  • Are they educating you on the new features or essential like frauds and how to prevent it?
  • Do you have a dedicated account manager?
  • Do they offer weekly/fortnightly support?
  • Do they offer guides, technical documentation , help. FAQs online or through an online community?
  • Do they offer product training- beginners, intermediate, advanced and ad-hoc?

(4) Universal SDK

  • Should be lightweight
  • Has to be open-source to maintain transparency 
  • Should not occupy too much of space on your app
  • Should be Flexible enough
  • Should be network agnostic
  • You only need to install SDK once- its finished for ever , no more SDK needed

(5) Dashboard

  • Is it user friendly?
  • Easy to use, sleek, sophisticated?
  • Report generation- easy and friendly?
  • Visually appealing? graphs, line charts and other options?
  • Easy to download and share reports?
  • How quick it is to set up a tracker for a new network?
  • Data digging- do you find it comprehensive and can reach upto the last layer- for example the creatives and adgroups apart from networks and campaigns
  • Unlimited reporting available?
  • Can you see real time data?
  • Features like cohort analysis, LTV, engagements, events data etc. should be easily available
  • Can you access it on different screens with ease? Is there any app available?
  • Do they offer recommendations and any actionable insights?
  • Can you get your data from the time you started the contract? Many a times at the most you can get 90 days data. Remember, the data is yours and its your rights to get the data whenever you need it?
  • Do they offer an API?
  • Is the dashboard customizable?

    (6) Responsive to the market needs and features?

    • Do they offer features like deeplinking, social media tracking, TV attribution, cohort analysis, Rich in-app events tracking
    • Scale- How many billion events are they tracking currently? Are they ready to scale up as your company scales up?
    • Do they offer key/critical Features like- data driven marketing, real time intelligence, fraud prevention, store stats, app analytics, multi platform support
    • Support Re-targeting and Re-engagement campaigns?
    • Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other major Ad networks? Are the already a  preferred partner?
    • How good are they in capturing the industry information and sharing it with the clients to educate them
    • Offer multi-channel attribution? Customizable event tracking?

    Note- This is an ongoing list, I will keep on updating this as and when needed.

    Friday 25 November 2016

    Germany 2016- Digital stats and Landscape

    Germany- 2015 Snapshot

    Search Engine share- 2016

    Top social platforms 2016

    Digital device ownerships

    eCommerce by device

    Profile of Facebook users

    Frequency of internet usage

    Internet users -2016 vs 2015

    Internet usage in 2016

    Top 3 delivery and purchase methods

    Number of Mobile connections vs Population

    Mobile activities

    Mobile users

    Number of smartphones 2016

    Play store Top 10 Apps- Nov 24th 2016

    App store Top 10 Apps- Nov 24th 2016

    What do Germans buy online ?- Top 3

    Top online payment methods

    Top new websites

    Top 10 eCommerce websites

    Time spent media wise

    Social Media usage

    Share of traffic

    Snapshot Germany 2016

    Cross border eCommerce transactions from Germany- Top 3 countries Germany buy from

    Share of Digital in Total media spend

    Thursday 17 November 2016

    South America/LATAM- Market study and Potential -2016

    Let's see some of the amazing facts about LATAM/South America. I have tried to include less text and more visuals so that you can have a better idea of the overall landscape.

    Before we move on wit the statistics, here are some facts about LATAM/South America

    Biggest e-commerce markets - Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina

    • Biggest e-commerce markets - Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina
    • LATAM/South America is one of the fastest-growing regions for e-commerce, behind Asia-Pacific.
    • Brazil is the largest online retail market in Latin America, accounting for 42% of the region's $47.4 billion in e-commerce sales.
    • e-commerce growth is decelerating due to an economic downturn.
    • Mexico is the 2nd largest market for e-commerce- accounts for 12.3% of the region's e-commerce
    • Argentina ranks third- currently accounts for 8.9% of sales in the region, but by 2019, we expect its market share to increase to 14.6%.
    • 50% of South American citizens are in contact with at least one social network (compared to 59% of North Americans).
    • Facebook makes up for more than 90% of the social market. 
    • Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world in terms of area and population and with more than 204.5 million inhabitants is the most heavily populated country in South America. 
    • Brazil is on 7th place of the most important economic powers in the world. 
    • The population structure of Brazil is relatively young and 23.5 % of the inhabitants are under 15 years of age. This creates a potential consumer group of about 48 million young people.
    • The Brazilian market has an extremely large imbalance between incomes: 20 % of the population with higher income account for 63.8 % of the national product and 20 % with low income for only 2.5 %.
    • Latam is one of the world’s largest mobile markets.
    • Brazil and Mexico account for most mobile app sessions in Latin America
    • 20% time spent on Mobile is devoted to sports while other 20%- social and apps
    • Brazil has the most advanced market in Latin America (halfway between Europe or the United States), but the market is more competitive with many more players leading to higher average costs.
    • Mexico & Argentina are the two best markets to invest in. Both countries have a significant volume of consumers in addition to moderate costs that allows for good results

    Number of internet users in Latin America from 2014 to 2019 (in millions)

    Distribution of internet users in Latin America as of April 2015, by age group

    Distribution of internet users in Latin America as of May 2015, by age group and gender

    Number of mobile phone internet users in Latin America from 2014 to 2019 (in millions)

    Internet user penetration in Latin America from 2013 to 2019

    Mobile phone internet user penetration in Latin America from 2014 to 2020

    Internet Usage and Population in South America 

    Tuesday 15 November 2016

    Emerging Markets- Interesting facts, trends and Why you should focus on Emerging Markets?

    Before we dive further into the statistics and facts, lets understand what an emerging market and frontier market is. Many a time it happens that people mistakenly use/interchange these words. Also, there are different research firms that classifies a country differently. For example: Cambodia- some people call it Frontier markets while others call it an emerging markets. Also, some firms calls South Korea as an Emerging markets while other call it a developed market. Emerging markets are also known as Emerging economies or developing markets

    So what are these terms exactly, lets look at their definition.

    An emerging market economy describes a nation's economy that is progressing toward becoming more advanced, usually by means of rapid growth and industrialization. These countries experience an expanding role both in the world economy and on the political frontier.

    frontier market is a type of developing country which is more developed than the least developing countries, but too small to be generally considered an emerging market.

    So how do we classify emerging markets based on the countries/continents/regions

    Top facts and statistics about emerging Markets