Friday 25 November 2016

Germany 2016- Digital stats and Landscape

Germany- 2015 Snapshot

Search Engine share- 2016

Top social platforms 2016

Digital device ownerships

eCommerce by device

Profile of Facebook users

Frequency of internet usage

Internet users -2016 vs 2015

Internet usage in 2016

Top 3 delivery and purchase methods

Number of Mobile connections vs Population

Mobile activities

Mobile users

Number of smartphones 2016

Play store Top 10 Apps- Nov 24th 2016

App store Top 10 Apps- Nov 24th 2016

What do Germans buy online ?- Top 3

Top online payment methods

Top new websites

Top 10 eCommerce websites

Time spent media wise

Social Media usage

Share of traffic

Snapshot Germany 2016

Cross border eCommerce transactions from Germany- Top 3 countries Germany buy from

Share of Digital in Total media spend

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing knowledge with us. This site is fantastic. I always find great knowledge from it. Geo-contextual
