Wednesday 23 October 2019

Facebook Search Ads- Detailed guide and Easy explanation- By Sarang Kinjavdekar

Facebook has recently rolled out the Facebook Search Ads for almost all the advertisers globally. Below are some of the top level and easy to understand pointers in Q&A format

Before we begin, please note that search ads on Facebook were already launched in 2012 , but for some reasons Facebook quickly removed it. They started testing it again in December 2018 and then slowly started rolling out to the Advertisers. 

I will keep on updating this as and when I get the latest information. Meanwhile, you can read the basics of Facebook Search ads below.

 How does a Facebook Search Ads look like?

Below is how it will look like. Please note that, you cannot run search ads without also running news feed ads.

Where do I select the Search Ads option/ How do I activate or deactivate it?

For all the new ad campaigns, Search ads is automatically selected in the placements. If you do not want Search ads, just deselect it

Click image to enlarge

Where will the ads be displayed?

The ads will be eligible to appear on search result pages which includes general search and Marketplace search

Can I target Specific keywords?

Unfortunately not, unlike Google you cannot do it here.

So how will the keywords be selected?

When a business places an ad in Facebook search, it will show up for search terms related to the business’s offerings. 

How will I ensure my keywords targeting in this scenario?

So if you want to target some specific keywords, make sure they appear somewhere on your Business page

Will it adhere to my specified Audience targeting?

Yes, it will respect the audience targeting of the campaign and be contextually relevant to a limited set of English and Spanish search term (at the moment, I can see 2 language options)

Will it appear in News feed, what else do I need to know

Yes, it will.  The ads are designed to fit the experience on the given search results surface. They will appear in Marketplace search or general search. They look similar to News Feed ads . They will include a “Sponsored” label so it’s clearly marked as paid placement.

What about the layout?

Ads included in search results have the same layout as News Feed ads — same headline, image, copy text — and can be single image, carousel, video or a collection ad format.

What campaign objectives are supported

At the time of writing this, following objectives are supported- Product Sales, Conversions and Traffic Objectives.

Will it be helpful to my business/Why should I care?

This new Ads format  will give you the direct access to users who are actively searching for your product or service on the platform. Also, as the current inventory and formats gets saturated, this will give you an upperhand to try and test the options and convert users based on their intent.


  1. Normal text ads typically have a title, a short description, and your website URL. Why do search ad extensions matter? with extensions, advertisers can include more insights, effectively creating stronger calls to action that can translate into a much better return on their ad spend.
