Friday 18 October 2019

RTB Breakout- Improving your RTB Advertising efforts by using this simple feature - Step by Step guide(Level- Advanced)- -Sarang Kinjavdekar

Are you using RTB and facing the problems of scaling or lesser impressions than you originally predicted? This article is focused on how to quickly understand what is wrong and how to quickly scale it up. 

We are talking of RTB Breakout- How does it look like, how can you use it and what options are available, you will have a detailed look about it below in this article

So, how does it looks like?

Click image to enlarge

How can you access it?

1. Login to your Authorized buyer's account
2. Select the Troubleshooting tab
3. Click RTB Breakout from the menu
4. If needed- Filter to select your criteria- filter by creative ID, account, publisher, or a particular preferred deal or private auction; or by format, including display and video; or platform, including desktop, mobile web, mobile app, tablet web, and tablet app.

What is available to me in RTB Breakout feature?

Below is a comprehensive list

  1. Available impressions- Total number of impressions available during the chosen time period.
  2. Filtered impressions- These impressions were filtered because of your pretargeting configuration. Ad Exchange will only send requests for impressions that match your pretargeting criteria.
  3. Inventory matches- The total number of potential queries based on your pretargeting settings.
  4. Bid requests not sent
  5. Bid response errors
  6. Successful responses- The total number of properly formed bid responses received by our servers within 120ms (80ms for Programmatic Guaranteed requests). 
  7. Responses without bids
  8. Responses without bids for this deal
  9. Bids- The total number of bids received from the bidder. 
  10. Filtered bids- The total number of bids filtered by Google policies, publisher exclusions, and bids excluded from the deal or private auction.
  11. Bids in auction- The total number of bids that passed through all filters and competed in the auction.
  12. Lost in auction- These bids lost in the auction. You may want to ensure your bid meets the required CPM and/or adjust your bidding strategy to win more of these impressions.
  13. Auctions won
  14. Not billed- These are impressions that were won at auction, but didn't serve (and also weren't billed) because the publisher didn't display them, or the impressions were determined to be invalid because of traffic quality filtering.
  15. Ads not rendered

Once you have a detailed look by using RTB Breakout feature, you are in a position and calibrate your efforts and thus it will help you to scale up the campaigns and optimize it further.

Thanks for reading!

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