Sunday 28 August 2011

99 tools to measure your Social Media Campaign Activity

Tools to Help You Manage Your Twitter Account

1. SocialOomph: Social Oomph allows you to automatically follow those who follow you, send direct messages automatically to new followers. Though this is essentially
a Twitter tool, the professional edition handles Facebook as well.
2. Backtweets: A tool dedicated solely to Twitter, BackTweets provides reach and impressions stats, alerts you whenever someone tweets a link to your website, identifies influencers and integrates with Google Analytics to see how Twitter activity is affecting your website traffic.
3. Mentionmap: This visual tool maps out your Twitter network so you can see who you interact with most and what they’re saying. It’s a cool tool to find relevant people to follow.
4. Qwerly: Deemed “People Search for the Social Web”, Qwerly lets you search for people in order to help you get a feel of their social presence. They also have a cool feature that allows you to add in the contact details of everyone you are following.
5. Salesforce for Twitter : This web-based CRM tool is now allowing existing customers to pull tweets from their Twitter account into the tool, making it possible to assign leads and monitor activity as you would with other contacts in the database.
6. Tweetie: This Mac-only Twitter organizer may not have as many of the bells and whistles as Tweet Deck, but it’s sleek and easy to use platform and smaller dashboard make it the preferred Twitter app for many.
7. Twaitter: This tool lets you schedule tweets, set recurring tweets, create and manage your “tweet calendar” and even translate tweets—all from its web interface.
8. TLists: The main function of this site is to search public Twitter Lists, but the stats that accompany the lists are great and allow you to see how often the list pushes tweets and what they’re talking about.
9. BrandChirp: This service makes it easy to find the people you should be following.
You can search for new followers by location, who they are following and keywords that they have recently tweeted about.
10. Proxlet: Can’t find the relevant stuff on Twitter because you’re being bombarded by a few overenthusiastic friends or chatter about a conference you aren’t attending?
Mute users, filter tags, or block apps to cut out the noise. The best part? It works with other Twitter applications like Tweet Deck.

Tools to Help You Manage Facebook

1. Vitrue: This tool may not streamline all of your social networks like other tools, but they excel in making the most out of your Facebook presence. Vitrue helps you moderate the comments on your Facebook page, send targeted messages to people who have “liked” your company and more.
2. Buddy Media: This platform allows you to quickly and easily manage your Facebook presence by scheduling your posts and news feed messaging, helping moderate the comments on your page, and customizing the look and feel of your page.
3. mediafeedia: This free service helps you schedule posts, manage multiple accounts, set admins, create custom tabs and notifies you by email of activity on your fan page.
4. Conversocial: Meant for small to medium sized businesses, Conversocial lets you
set up automatic moderation to delete or flag posts based on keywords, drives all comments to your email inbox, sets up a team workflow and provides limited analytics.
5. Sysomos Facebook Page Central: Facebook Page Central offers auto-moderation,
email notifications of posts, a dashboard monitoring key metrics and sentiment, and
identification of top fans and themes.
6. Facebook Insights: This may seem a little obvious, but if you are managing a Facebook fan page, before you begin looking for more in-depth tools, make sure you
check out your Facebook insights page to see how many people are participating,
liking stories or leaving comments.

Tools to Help You Manage Your Websites and Blogs

1. Blogtronix: An advanced social networking tool and microblogging site, Blogtronix
helps people in a community, company or group exchange short multimedia messages across the web. This edition is best for internal communities, such as companies who are looking to help their employees connect, ask and answer questions, and share work and content.
2. Sharetronix: Run on the same platform, Sharetronix is a complement to Blogtronix
that is more suited to external communities. In addition to being a microblogging
site, Sharetronix integrates with Twitter, Facebook and RSS feeds, allows for oneclick publishing, and is SEO optimized so that your content will be easily found by interested parties.
3. IntelBuilder Social Media Platform: This service allows you to manage your website or blog by automatically updating your social networks when you update your web-site content, distributing to RSS feeds, submitting to bookmarking sites and tracking your readership.
4. Disqus: Helpful in attracting more comments to your blog or website, Disqus allows
your readers to include media such as YouTube videos in their comments, receive
alerts when their posts have been responded to, and reply directly from their email.
5. Janrain: Best for companies with a large website presence, Janrain allows visitors
to your site to easily share your content across their social networks. Janrain also
lets visitors sign in to your site with their Facebook, Twitter or other social accounts
and tracks their behavior to help you provide a personalized experience for each
6. FeedBurner: Though typical website analytics packages do not provide any analytics on who is interacting with your RSS feed, Feedburner allows you to see who is accessing your content and what they are clicking on.
7. Blog Grader: Check out Blog Grader to see how effective your blog is at marketing
your brand and see how you stack up against other blogs out there.
8. Google Analytics: Though Google Analytics isn’t specifically for social media, it can
provide invaluable insight into which social media channels are driving traffic to your
9. twitterfeed: What’s the point of blogging if no one knows about it? This tool monitors your RSS feed and updates your Facebook and Twitter accounts when you
have a new blog post.

Tools to Help You Manage Multiple Social Channels

1. Though there are many one-click publishing applications, Ping is the most popular site for aggregating your social media channels. It allows you to simultaneously update accounts like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Flickr through their web interface, text message, email or instant message.
2. HootSuite: This is a tool that allows you to manage multiple social media channels
through one dashboard. If you have a company with more than one contributor to
your social media program, HootSuite is a good solution.
3. TweetDeck: Like HootSuite, TweetDeck provides a way to track many of your social media channels on one dashboard. It can be a time-saver and a productivity enhancer, assuming you’re not easily distracted.
4. Cotweet: CoTweet is perfect for companies who have multiple people contributing
to their social media campaigns. In addition to organizing and monitoring your Twitter
and Facebook pages, it allows you to assign updates and social streams to members of your team based either on their expertise or who is “on duty” at a certain
5. Seesmic: Manage your Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin,, Foursquare and Google Buzz accounts all from one simple interface. Whether you want to access your social networks from the web, a desktop application, or your mobile phone, Seesmic has a solution.
6. NutshellMail: If you ARE easily distracted, NutshellMail may be the tool for you. This tool, much like TweetDeck, helps you track all of your social media channels, but instead of constant updates, sends you a single email per day describing your accounts’ activity.
7. Sprout Social: Another organizing tool, Sprout Social manages multiple social networks from one dashboard, allowing you to optimize your outreach in each channel, identify people interested in your brand and convert them to loyal consumers.
8. PostRank: This dashboard aggregates what is happening with all of your content
across the web in a constantly updated feed. This way you can see what type of
engagement your content is getting across different channels right as it happens.
9. thisMoment: Their recently introduced Distributed Engagement Channel (DEC) uses thisMoment’s publishing platform to combine their design, your content and multimedia user generated content into one “channel” that can be pushed to many different social media outlets.
10. Awareness Social Marketing Hub : This platform is ideal for larger social media
campaigns with multiple people monitoring and executing the program. In addition
to aggregating social network information, the Hub allows marketers to set up
workflows in order to coordinate efforts across a marketing team.
11. Expion: Built with multiple-location business or franchises in mind, Expion allows
corporate offices to oversee and manage each of their locations’ individual social
media accounts while still allowing store managers or franchisees to have some
control over the account. This helps brands maintain continuity across locations
while still allowing for regional-based promotions or content relevant only to the local
12. Syncapse SocialTALK: Perfect for businesses, this tool helps you control your presence across different platforms, manage multiple social media accounts from one platform, establish multiple user access levels, and monitor incoming traffic.

Content Creation and Integration Tools
1. Context Optional: Best for marketers with multiple team members, brands or geographies, this platform helps develop applications for Facebook and Twitter communities and monitor and analyze the conversations taking place on these platforms.
2. Crowd Factory's Social Campaign: Think social networking is confined to Facebook and Twitter? Think again. Crowd Factory lets you embed social elements into any marketing experience including videos, emails, ads and more.
3. KickApps: This self-service site allows you to develop and manage social content
such as branded communities, widgets, 3rd party plug-ins and social applications.
4. North Social: Enhance your Facebook page by creating custom applications that
allow your brand to do things such as integrate with Google Maps or Yelp, post HD
videos, run sweepstakes, and more.
5. Involver Applications: The creator of the popular “Get Satisfaction” facebook app,
Involver provides applications that allow you to easily add polls, RSS feeds, quizzes,
music, contests and more to your Facebook or Twitter pages.
6. Sprout: Not to be confused with Sprout Social, this cloud based software company
creates interactive ads and applications perfect for bringing social content to the
web and mobile devices.
7. Lithium Community Platform: This software as a service company creates a social
community right on your website that provides a place for your brand advocates to
converse, tools to spread the word about your product through social channels and
even generate ideas for innovation.
8. ePrize: This company helps your company create promotions specifically tailored to your social media channels.
9. Wildfire Interactive: This web application helps you to integrate your traditional promotions such as sweepstakes, contests and giveaways with interactive sites such
as Facebook and Twitter.
10. Storify: This cool new tool lets you collect photos, videos, tweets and other social
media content to create a single, integrated story that you can embed anywhere.

Qualitative Social Media Monitoring Tools (Sentiment Monitoring)
1. Alterian SM2: More in-depth than some other social media monitoring services, Alterian provides advanced user behavior statistics, demographics, location, positive
or negative tone, and trending topics for your brand as seen across a host of social
media outlets and websites.
2. PeopleBrowsr:, and are PeopleBrowsr’s main products, and offer sentiment monitoring, trend reporting and audience profiling. Their main claim to fame at the moment is their recent announcement that they provide 1000 days of Twitter history.
3. Social Mention: This free web-based application lets you search popular channels
such as blogs and microblogs to find brand mentions and analyzes the sentiment
towards your brand. You can also set up alerts so that you will be told any time
someone mentions your brand.
4. BrandsEye: A slightly different type of social media listening tool, BrandsEye helps
you manage your online reputation by finding all of your brand mentions, the reputation of their source, the sentiment and even flags mentions that you may require immediate attention.
5. Collective Intellect: This software goes beyond monitoring what is being said about
your brand online, and analyzes specific posts and snippets of posts to get the true
sentiment surrounding your brand. Additionally, they identify who the influencers are
for your brand.
6. Sysomos MAP: Sysomo’s flagship product, MAP provides access to millions of
conversations dating back to 2006. The software helps monitor what people are
saying about your brand, determine sentiment, and identify influencers. MAP also
provides detailed demographic and geographic information and competitive analysis.
7. Heartbeat: Sysomo’s other social media listening product, Heartbeat, runs on the
same technology as MAP, but is geared more towards brands interested in the dayto- day monitoring of buzz, as opposed to in-depth market research. Though the
amount of information is more limited with this tool, the user-defined dashboard
makes it easier for marketers to quickly find the information relevant to them.
8. Sentiment Metrics: Created for bigger businesses, enterprises and B2B marketers,
this tool monitors your brand’s presence not only on social media sites but on blogs
and forums as well. Additionally, their profiles of users who are talking about your
brand allow you to engage with people interested in your brand.
9. Attentio: The added perk for this monitoring software is that it is multilingual, meaning you can receive results and understand the buzz about your brand worldwide. Users also herald that Attentio has more of a brand focus than some of their competitors.
10. Social Radar: Created by Infegy, Social Radar is a listening tool that allows you to
visually see information flow between influencers, identify key conversations and
determine tone. Additionally, Social Radar’s historical data about your brand goes
back to 2007, so you can see how your influence has changed over time.
11. Brandwatch: Check out how many mentions your brand has across the internet,
where they are coming from, and how far the comments have reached.
12. Lithium Social Media Monitoring: This dashboard, reminiscent of Google analytics, monitors virtually every online social media channel and provides you with an overall score of how well your brand is doing.

Quantitative Social Media Monitoring Tools (Tracking and Analytics)
1. Argyle Social: If you’re interested in monitoring trends and sentiment, this management tool may not be for you. In addition to aggregating your social media accounts, Argyle Social analyzes only hard numbers and direct outcomes of your
2. Trendrr: This site peruses blogs, microblogs, search engines, social networks and
even video to see what people are saying about your brand and provides numerical
analysis to help you understand what it all means
3. Involver Audience Management Platform: In addition to providing a host of apps,
Involver offers a dashboard that manages all of your social media applications, monitors communication, and provides analytics based on actionable measures so
you can see the true ROI of your actions.
4. MediaVantage: Designed for PR gurus, this tool gives you instant access to TV,
print, online and social media content that is relevant to your brand’s reputation,
your industry, or your competition.
5. Objective Marketer: This site allows you to create the content and strategy and just
steps in to objectively analyze how people have interacted with the content you
have posted. By measuring clicks, views, likes and more, the Objective Marketer
discovers trends and finds out what is working for your brand… and what’s not.
6. Spiral16: This monitoring tool scours the entire web, not just social channels, to collect digital content about your brand. Their findings are then presented a unique 3D Virtualization that allows you to quickly find the information that is relevant to you
and your brand.

7. Spredfast: This platform is all about the analytics. Spredfast tracks and measures
your campaign’s effectiveness based on content output, how many people were
reached and if they were engaged. They also offer a benchmarking feature that allows you to compare the effectiveness of your campaign against other strategies in
your industry or against similar campaigns in different industries to see where you
stack up.
8. Viral Heat: This analytics-based social listening tool shows you more than a stream
of mentions, but allows you to see each mention and analytics about it as well as
overall trends concerning your brand.
9. Radian6: One of the most popular social media monitoring sites, Radian6 scans an
impressive number of social networks, news sites, blogs, discussion boards and
video and photo sharing sites in order to find out what people are saying about your
brand in these channels. The data is analyzed and delivered to your dashboard,
complete with presentation ready graphs.
10. Trackur: After submitting the keywords you want monitored on Trackur, you can see who is talking about you and what they’re saying on the web. What’s more, you can see how influential the people and sources talking about you are so you can manage your reputation accordingly.
11. Visible Technologies: This monitoring tool provides you with a dashboard of analysed data on what people are saying about your brand and helps companies delegate responses and workflow.
12. Google Alerts: Though it’s not strictly speaking a social media tool, setting up Google Alerts for your name, your company name and your products this simple step
will help keep you in the loop.
13. Cymfony: This social listening tool pulls information from traditional media, social
media and proprietary data to provide insight, identify influencers and answer your
specific market research questions.
14. Networked Insights: Their “Social Sense” product line offers simple social media listening tools to monitor what is being said about your brand and your industry. One
unique product is their “Social Sense TV” , which allows you to survey the buzz surrounding specific TV shows so that you can make your traditional media spend
more efficient.
15. This ubiquitous URL shortener not only makes it easier to share links, it also
allows you to track your own links (or your competitors) by simply adding a + to the
end of any URL. This feature will let you view how many clicks you’ve received,
top referrers, and the location of the clicks.
16. SWIX: This tracking tool goes beyond clicks and measures how much people are
engaging with your social media content. Swix shows you your performance on
over 70 distinct audience and engagement metrics across 20 of the most popular
social media platforms.

Comprehensive Social Media Monitoring Tools
(Quantitative and Qualitative)
1. engage121: The draw of this comprehensive platform which provides monitoring,
one-click publishing, follower and fan management and analytics, is their extremely
customizable interface and packages tailored for small to medium businesses, corporations, enterprises or local stores.
2. MediaFunnel: This platform aggregates, manages and monitors your social media
activity, with a focus on hard numbers and measurable outcomes. They also have a
few cool additional features including their Tweet-to-Lead tool, which allows you to
turn all tweets into new Salesforce leads and a mobile component that allows you
to receive SMS updates or even text updates to your accounts.
3. Direct Message Lab: In addition to helping you manage multiple social media channels, this platform allows you to create and monitor campaigns across social networks, desktop and social media applications, and mobile.
4. ScrOOn : Between ScrOOn’s three products, you can monitor and manage multiple social media channels, add social components like customer reviews, games and surveys to your existing digital properties, and drive people from your social media accounts to your website.
5. Jive Social Media Engagement: This service pulls data from over 100 million online
sources to find out the buzz about your brand. Within the same console you can
aggregate and respond to Facebook and Twitter posts, create team workflows, and
access key metrics and analytics.
6. Sprinklr: A professional-grade social media management company, Sprinklr is a one click publisher, social listening tool and analytics team all rolled into one. They help agencies, B2C companies and B2B companies identify prospects, acquire loyal
customers, measure social impact and optimize social media campaigns.
7. MutualMind: This service allows you to listen to what people are saying about your
brand, but cuts out all of the noise that may not be relevant to you. Additionally, MutualMind helps you manage your campaign with one-click publishing and a framework for multiple team members to coordinate through.
8. Shoutlet: This one-click publisher helps you throughout the whole process, from
building your presence, engaging with your consumers to measuring your impact.
Shoutlet also features ecommerce for facebook, email marketing and mobile solutions.
9. Another Crowd Factory product, has a social dashboard, segmenting tools, widgets, social gestures, feed marketing and analytics all in one place.

10. Postling: Perfect for small businesses, Postling helps organize and update your social media accounts, alerts you when your accounts are active, and searches Facebook, Twitter, Yelp and more to see who is talking about your brand.
11. Avenue Social: In addition to monitoring and publishing to your social networks,
Avenue Social builds Facebook applications, fan pages and mobile apps, and analyses the effects of all of your social media efforts, to boot!
12. SocialVolt: Their product, Studio, helps create and monitor campaigns and social
buzz, manages workflow amongst your team, and helps identify and organize influencers based on what channels they are active in and their interests.
13. Strongmail Social Studio: This platform helps you identify and leverage your brand advocates and create direct response campaigns on Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, they have a proprietary social sharing tool that makes it easier for your fans, followers, email subscribers and website visitors to get the word out about your
14. Sendible: Another tool that does it all from aggregating posts, monitoring sentiment, and analyzing results, Sendible sets itself apart with their integration with SMS and email newsletters.

Tools to Help You Reverse Append Email Addresses
to Find Out More About the Contacts in Your Database
1. Flowtown: If you have an email database, you should be using Flowtown. It allows
you to take the email addresses you have in your database and look up what social
networks they are active on. This way you can reach out to them on more channels
as well as segment what emails you send them based on what networks they are
2. Gist: This tool ups the ante by allowing you to aggregate contacts across social
networks, email and mobile phone. Gist then alerts you when any of your contacts
make updates to their social networking accounts or appear in any of the 60,000
news sources or 20 million blogs that Gist monitors.
3. Rapportive: Similar to Gist, this free tool lets you find out more about your email
contacts by providing information about their social media presence. You can see
where they live, what they do, view their LinkedIn profile, check out their recent
Facebook activity, or add them as a friend—all from your inbox.
4. Klout: This tool helps you figure out who is talking about your brand, who is important in your industry and how much reach your customers really have.

1. TubeMogul: This site saves time by allowing you to upload a movie clip to several
websites at once and provides analytics about which sites your content performs
best on, how long people watch your video and where they are watching from.
2. BuzzLogic: This platform relies on data to optimize your ads across a network of
trusted blog sites by using conversational analytics that help you find and target
your key consumers.
3. Media6Degrees: Instead of segmenting your customers by demographics or even
psychographics, Media6Degrees allows you to target consumers based on their
social interactions to find customers most likely to become loyal customers.
4. 33Across: By using their proprietary technology, Social DNA, 33Across looks at the social behavior of your existing customers to identify their contacts who may be
high-value prospects for your company.
5. InMaps: This is a fun tool that diagrams out your connections on LinkedIn so you
can visualize your network.
6. SocialText: Think social media is only for the internet? With social text, social media can apply to your INTRAnet as well. Social networking, microblogging, internal blogs, wiki work spaces and a handy intranet dashboard all ensure that employees can quickly take advantage of expertise within their company, work efficiently in teams, communicate with management and stay informed of all company news.

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