Monday 29 August 2011

An On-page Optimization SEO Checklist

 1. Try to use your main keyword in your domain name, but do not use too long domain names, if possible.

 2. Ensure to Use Keyword Rich Anchor Text for your onpage navigation and internal linking, so not use phrases like “click     here” or “read more”. Ensure to use do follow internal links spread inside your content, linking to other related pages     on your site.

 3. Ensure to have well written and unique content on your homepage and all other pages, ensure to avoid duplicated  content. (Ensure to follow the onpage seo checklist below to optimize your internal pages for the search engines)

 4. Make sure to add a sitemap.xml file in your root directory, you can use the Google Webmaster tool to create such a     file. Also ensure to update this file whenever you post new content to the site (only needed for static websites)

5. Ensure that your robot.txt file exists.

6. Add a dofollow link to your sitemap files to your sites navigation.

7. Add dofollowed links to your 404 website pointing to your categories or tag pages, you can also add a search box to make     it easy for visitors to search your site.

 8. Validate your site through the Google Webmaster Tools.

 9. Ensure to avoid long loading times on your site.

 10. Setup Google Analytics or another tracking service and optimize your website on a regular basis.

 11. Update your website on a regular basis. This dosn´t mean you need to post every day or several times per week, once per month can be enough.

 12. Ensure to minimize your websites loading time.

 13. Make sure that your website is xhtml/w3c validated.

 14. If possible, add an rss feed to your website.

 15. Make use of the Google Webmaster tools.

 16. Ensure to use keyword rich urls for your single pages, but avoid urls longer than 80 signs.

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