Friday 26 August 2011

Some Discovery Meeting Questions- Pre Campaign Launch/Campaign Planning Questions

Campaign goals: SMART goals
Generic Questions
Do you have an online presence? What is your experience with that? Any experience with PPC?
How old is your website?
Do you have Google Analytics on the website?
Have you ever tracked the data through Analytics and tweak the website/campaign accordingly?
How are you generating the leads? Through website, emailers, SMS?
Have you integrated online and offline efforts?
What are the other mediums for advertising that you are using? Ex: Print, TV ,Radio etc.
When did the last time your ad appeared in TV/Print/Radio/Magazine or other ATL/BTL medium?
How many leads do you generate per day and through which medium?
What are the Average Conversion rates of leads and final sales converion rates (online leads)?
General aims for Campaign
What is the  General marketing aim of campaign?
What are the Product categories or services we need to focus upon?
What is the goal? Lead Generation, Branding, Repositionig, Online reputation management ,Viral Buzz, driving more traffic to the website,  creating an active online presence or other?
Conversion Model goals
What are we calling a conversion?
Reach (number of prospects reached on third party sites)
Incremental unique visitors or visits to site
Incremental social engagement (target number of ‘Likes’ on Facebook, Twitter follows or Email signups
Campaign response – leads or sales (   %), Value £, Allowable CPA
Email sign-up,  View where to buy , Repeat for other sites where microsites hosted
Any other specific conversion goal like downloads, refer a friend, share the content, user generated content, video views, participation in contest, uploading content, web-form filling, invite a friend, attentding event etc.
Branding objectives
Brand awareness  – how will the campaign increase brand awareness.
Brand familiarity – which products are featured in campaign, what is the emphasis?
Brand purchase intent goals – how is the campaign intended to directly and indirectly influence sales
Engagement goals
How will you assess audience engagement and campaign momentum?
Bounce rate and dwell-time- For websites and microsites
Return visits during campaign
Engaging with different content types - which?
Response mechanism
Campaign Specific Phone numbers
Video chat
Live chat
Email support
Personal Message
Cloud Monitoring
Other CRM application
3rd Party Application
Define the data collection required on response forms or the web forms
In case of Lead based campaign, what will be termed as a Qualified Lead?
Target audience (personas)
Demographics (Age, gender, social groups or B2B demographics – members of buying unit, company size and sector, etc)
Psychographics (Develop personas)
Audience motivations
Typical customer motivation and/or scenarios for responding
Direct competitor sites and core value propositions
Indirect competitors
Online intermediaries
Horizontal portals and mainstream media
Niche or vertical industry sector media sites
Niche social networks
Aggregators and super affiliates
Small affiliates and blogs
Media consumption  and buying process
Which media sites or portals do your customers typically use, how web savvy?
What is the process by which they select products (search keyphrase sequence):
OFFER AND MESSAGING: What do you want your audience to do, think, or feel - and why would they, what is in it for them, where is the value exchange?
Campaign “Big Idea”
The hook, theme or main message you want the audience to recall and act upon
Unique Value Proposition
Benefits of ultimate marketing outcome, e.g. purchase, attending event, etc.
Corresponding features that deliver these benefits
Online Value Proposition
Specific benefits of responding / buying online compared to other channels or competitors
Ideas for main creative concept- Bases on past exp. (say Print Media Ads)
What attracts attention and proves relevance to potential customer?
Reasons not to click?
Why might the customer not think the message/offer/brand is relevant?
Reasons to click?
Include key messages and calls-to-action for online and offline media to ‘Drive to web’. Include both rational and emotional benefits.
How do you prove what you say is valid?
Key brand messages
Not all prospects will be familiar with your brand. What are the brand values or the brand essence that you want to communicate? (e.g price, convenience or quality based)
Tone of Voice
How do you want to sound? For example: Straightforward, Friend or adviser. Serious. Energetic. Dynamic.
Opportunities and collateral available for:
• Rich media and video
• Content and guides
 Viral effect - what will be the viral agent?
STRATEGY: What is the strategic approach you’re using - think about how you will connect with and convince your audience. It’s important to define this so that you can get aligned to the wider business and ensure you choose the right communication channels, promotional tactics, offers and creative approach
Strategies for each objective
How - will you address the audience with the offer, message and positioning that you have created. Use any research/insight for section 2.  Think about:
Are your audience online? Is digital the lead or support to traditional offline broadcast media
Are there times of the day when your audience is most likely to be receptive - timing is everything
Are you looking to interrupt with advertising or build relationships
How can you add value so that the audience is motivated (directly or indirectly) to spread your message for you
Do you want to create excitement with prizes and give-aways or maybe you need to incentivise transaction to a deadlines- Extremely important for the best results
MEDIA PLAN AND BUDGET: Key milestones, campaign wave start dates and deliverables
•   Paid search ads:
•   Display ads:
•   3rd party e-newsletter ads:
•   Web site downloads:
•   Press:
Broadcast media:
Direct communications
•   3rd party rented list:
•   Co-branded campaigns:
•   House lists:
•   Communications on web site.
•   Additional content.
Data capture (standard?)
•   Direct mail:
PR and social media
•   Blogs and RSS
•   Social media marketing
•   Viral marketing
What generates a buzz
Which traditional online media outlets?
How will integration between different media channels be achieved?
Media plan
To be created based on the answers above

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