Friday 30 September 2011

Email Marketing: Campaign Analysis, Metrics, Best Practices

Macro Perspective: End to End means ABO.
For everything you do it is important to measure your effectiveness of all three phases of your effort:

Acquisition. Behavior. Outcomes.

If your measurement effort is missing one of those three, you’ll be less successful than you deserve to be. So for our email campaign analysis let’s look at metrics using that framework.

Beyond the standard tactical stuff like number of emails sent etc., here are the metrics I’d recommend to analyze your acquisition greatness:

  • Delivery rate = (# of emails sent – # of bounce backs) / # of emails sent  

  • Open rate = # of emails opened / # of emails delivered

  • Click-to-deliver rate (CTDR) = # of clicks / # of emails delivered

  • Subscriber retention rate = # subscribers – bounce backs – unsubscribes / # subscribers

  • Bounce Rate = # of email campaign visits with a single Page View / # of email campaign visits

  • Depth of Visit = percent of email campaign visits that last longer than xx pages

  • Actions Completed = percent of email campaign visits that watched a video

  • Macro Conversion Rate = # of One Big Thing / # of email campaign visits

  • Average Revenue per Email Sent = total revenue / # of emails sent

  • Micro Conversion Rate = # of Many Small Things / # of email campaign visits

  • Average Economic Value per Email Sent = total economic value / # of emails sent

  • Profitability = (revenue generated – campaign cost – cost of goods sold) / # of emails sent

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