Wednesday 7 September 2011

google Analytics: Page Efficiency Analysis Report ..Awesome Customized Report by Avinash Kaushik

For those of you who really do dig web analytics and use Google Analytics specifically - here's a holdiays gift. Avinash Kaushik, has created following 3 Custom Web Analytics Reports to showcases the power of GA and custom reports.

Page Efficiency Analysis Report serve as a valuable starting point for page analysis for any type of website, especially a content rich non-ecommerce website. Here it's:

If you've an Ecommerce website you can replace Per Visit Goal Value with Per Visit Value and Total Goal Completions with Transactions.

If seven metrics seem to be too much to analyze click on the Comparison icon on top of the table (in GA) and you'll magically get this:

Here's how you can get this report:
 01.Log into Google Analytics
 02.Now click on this
link Page Efficiency Analysis Report. It'll open in GA
 03.Click on the Create Report button and it'll save it in your account.

 Bonus: You'll note two pre-built drill downs into this report. If you click on the Page Title you'll see Visitor Type (New vs. Returning). Remember you can apply segmentation to this report. Scroll all the way to the top of the report. Click the drop down next to Advanced Segments. Click on Mobile Traffic (or whatever) and. . . Boom! Mobile page efficiency analysis!

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