Friday 2 September 2011

Understanding the average position metric- Google Adwords

‘Top vs. Side’ Ad Performance Segmentation

You can now use the “Top vs. side” report segment to see how your ads perform above and to the side of Google search results. Armed with this new information, you can better optimize your search campaigns by more deeply examining the relationship between your ads’ locations and their clicks and conversions. And brand advertisers can now get better visibility into when and where their critical brand terms are triggering ads above search results.

How to view your “Top vs. side” data
To segment your performance data by where your ads appeared on Google and Search Partner search results pages, you simply need to add the “Top vs. Side” segment to your data table. Here’s how:
Select the Campaign, Ad groups, Ads or Keywords tab of your AdWords account.
Click the Segment button in the toolbar above your data table.
Select Top vs. side from the drop-down. Results will appear in rows beneath each of your ads.

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